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Connecting to Self Managed Prefect

To setup and configure your Prefect client to point to the Self Managed instance, the following steps can be taken.

Creating a Self Managed Prefect Profile

prefect profile create selfmanaged

Created profile with properties:
    name - 'selfmanaged'
    from name - None

Use created profile for future, subsequent commands:
    prefect profile use 'selfmanaged'

Use created profile temporarily for a single command:
    prefect -p 'selfmanaged' config view

Configuring a Self Managed Prefect Profile

Once a profile has been created, it can be selected and configured.

  • An API key should first be generated in the API.
  • PREFECT_API_URL - theformat can be found here, replacing with your hosted externalized API address.
  • The PREFECT_CLOUD_API_URL - should be set to just the base API url, which does not include accounts or workspaces.
prefect profile use selfmanaged

prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=https://<Externalized API Ingress>/api/accounts/<account>/workspaces/<workspace>
prefect config set PREFECT_API_KEY=
prefect config set PREFECT_CLOUD_API_URL=https://<Externalized API Ingress>/api

Need More?

You can find more details on configuring a Prefect profile, and optional settings here.